Embarking on Life’s Everest: Ansja Ferreira’s Tale of Transformation and Wisdom

In a world thirsting for meaning, peace and stability amidst its whirlwind of change, the climb up Mount Everest symbolises life’s tumultuous yet rewarding journey. Imagine a Sherpa guide, unraveling the secrets of comfort zones, shedding anchors, lightening the load of your backpack (your baggage), guiding you through burnout and nurturing traits of humility, empathy and spiritual enlightenment. Ansja Ferreira dives into Mother Earth’s classroom, revealing the keys to consciousness, the potency of our thoughts,…

"Embarking on Life’s Everest: Ansja Ferreira’s Tale of Transformation and Wisdom"

“‘n Sjerpa vir jou lewensreis” – Ansja Ferreira se nuutste self help boek

Die Bloemfonteinse skrywer Ansja Ferreira se nuwe boek ‘n Sjerpa vir jou lewensreis het onlangs by Naledi verskyn.  Volgens Ansja is die menslike ervaring  kompleks en gedurende ons lewensreis kry ons dalk seer en leer lewenslesse uit ons foute en ervarings. “Daar is hoogtepunte en laagtepunte.  Al het ons dalk nie die perfekte lewe nie, kan ons steeds elkeen ons eie Everest klim en bo uitkom.  Everest is ʼn plek van drome, tragedie, swaarkry, dood,…

"“‘n Sjerpa vir jou lewensreis” – Ansja Ferreira se nuutste self help boek"